

A wearable to support independence in the silver age.

By the year 2025, the number of old people will double. In the future there will be personnel shortages in nursing care and doctors. Outpatient treatment is increasing and independence in old age is becoming more important.

Silver society (65+) The megatrend Silver Society is having a worldwide impact. The population is getting older, the number of elderly people is rising and at the same time, people are staying healthy longer. This creates a completely new phase in life and offers room for self-development in old age. But this also means that the gap between perceived and actual age is widening constantly. Therefore we need products that recognise and respond to the ageing process.

In order to support the development of a true identity for people in the ageing process, an exclusive product can create a platform for self-expression.


– emergency button

– body messurements

  • glucose level
  • heart rate
  • blood pressure

– reminder

  • dehydration
  • medication